Thursday, June 26, 2008

06.26.2008 - Matt K

Bike ride to the Y

Warmup Bi's and Tri's

a. 5x Barbell curls while sitting on bench
b. 10x DB skull crushers

4 rounds, rest as needed

2. "The Small 55"

10 - 1 of DB curls with resistance bands + tricep pushdown
Directly after the set of 1, go into a burnout of each.
Looks like: 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - Burnout

3. Tabata set of Dead Bugs

4. One arm does DB bicep curl, the other arm does cable tricep pulldown. To failure.
Switch arms, and repeat.

5. 1 minute of hanging knee raise hold

6. Bike ride home

7. 3 mile run

also.... I'm mad jealous of the ladders! I think its time I broke out the sidewalk chalk...

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