Monday, July 14, 2008

07.14.2008 - Matt

1. Warmup

1 mile bike ride warmup
10x goblet squat

2. Timed superset

15x Burpee + pullup
15x BB Push press
10x Burpee + pullup
10x BB Push press


3. Superset 2

10x Squat warmup

a. 5x deep squats (past parallel, fairly heavy)
b. 8x three-way shoulders

3 rounds

4. Timed Circuit

a. 10x each leg DB walking lunges
b. 15x incline sit-up with resistance band
c. 10x DB shoulder shrug
d. rest 1 minutes
3 rounds

1 mile bike cool-down. Stretching


j.sherman said...

Hey Killa,
What was your time for the first superset?

MJK said...

I didn't actually time it. It wasn't too fast though, I'm sure. Probably not even as fast as when we did it last year.