Wednesday, May 9, 2007

05.09.2007 - Weight Room (Jose, Akil, Matt)

-10 squat box jumps, straight to 10 pushups
-3 continuous sets, no rest until done.

Superset 1
-5 Man-makers (click on the name to get a description of what it is)
-15 jackknife crunches on bench or box
-3 continous sets of this. If you have to rest in between sets, you can, but try not to, as you're not only working the muscles, but working on your cardio-vascular fitness as well. That way your muscles will learn to work under stress, and you'll burn fat as well.
-We did the man-makers with 20lbs dumbells, and they were plenty for 5 reps/set.
-The jackknife crunches are where you crunch up and bring your knees into your chest on each one.

Tabata Thrusters
-The Tabata method is where you work for 20 seconds, rest for 10, and repeat 8 times. The entire excercise only takes 4 minutes but it kills. We did it with Thrusters, which are like squats and push press combined (click the name for a video of the thrusters).

-Tabata Thrusters, 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest, 8 sets, 4 minutes total
-We did it with just the bar, and by the last set, it still hurt like hell.

Pull-up Ladders
-2 sets of 1-5 with rest in between sets

-A pull-up ladder is when one person does 1 pull-up, and the other does one, the first person does 2, the other does 2, the first does 3, the other does 3, and so on. We did up to 5.

-2 sets of 4 way situps, 15 each way
-100 flutter kicks
-hang with knees raised for 1 minute

Jog (optional)
-1.5 mile jog, moderate pace - it was just too nice a day here not to do something outside, plus I think its a good idea to jog after a workout like this to stay loose.


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