Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Jack and Javy July 29

We did the '300' workout this morning but not for time. We went a little heavier on some things and took our time. It was 7:00am so we were dying and the whole thing ended taking us over an hour.

25 x Strict Pull Ups (no Kipping)
50 x Dead Lift @ 185#
50 x Push Ups
50 x Box Jumps @ 30"
50 x Floor Wipers @ 135#
50 x DB Clean and Press @ 35# (25 each arm)
25 x Strict Pull Ups

Thursday, July 24, 2008

07.24.2008 - Matt, Jon

1. pushups (warmup)

8x each side single-arm DB bench
5 rounds, rest as needed
After round 2 and round 4;
tag-team 1-5-1 pull-up ladder, continuous

3. Tag team circuit
a. 200 meter row, intense
b. DB pushup + row, as long as it takes for partner to do rowing machine
3 rounds, as continous as possible

4. Tabata crunches w/ legs raised


07.23.2008 - Matt

Warmup bi's and tri's (curls and skull crushers)

5x Heavy EZ bar curl
5x heavy DB skull crushers
10x dead bug
5 rounds, rest as needed

30 seconds on, 30 seconds off of
a. DB hammer curls
b. dips on chair edge
(30 second curl, 30 second rest, 30 second dip, 30 second rest etc)
8 minutes continuous

3. Tabata leg raises (holds)


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Jack, Javy 7-21

5 x Bench Press
10 x Slow Body Rows
5 Rounds

10 x Resistance Band Chest Flys
10 x L-Pull ups (Neutral Grip)
10 x Box Jumps @ 36”
4 Rounds

1:00 x Jump Rope
1:00 x Upper Ab Crunches
1:00 x Air Squats
Continuous for 3 Rounds

(The air squats we did with DaviAnn and we had a med ball. So you did one squat with the med ball then passed it and 2 more squats while partners squatted with the ball. 1 weighted squat for every 2 non weighted squats)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Jack July 20

1.75 mile run


80 x Sprinter Abs


20 x Crunches
20 x Crunches to the left
20 x Crunches to the right
3 rounds

Friday, July 18, 2008

Jack, DaviAnn, Javy - July 17

5 x Front Squat
10 x KTE
5 Rounds

10 x Glute-Hamstring Curls (Roman Chair)
10 x Weighted Pull Ups
10 x Dion Abs (5sec Holds)
4 Rounds

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Jack and Javy July 5

DaviAnn has been working nights and the only time when I can see her is when I lift, so we have been playing pick up soccer around 7:00 on some of these nights. We played for like 2.5 hours last night, it was a good change up of workout.

Jack, DaviAnn, Javy - July 14

5 x 5 Hang Cleans

5 x DB Bench Press
5 x DB Row
Minimal to no Rest
5 Rounds


6-5-4-3 of:
Cross Over Pushups (on med ball)
Bruce Lees
Side to Side Body Rows
Floor Wipers


10 x Standing PVC Pipe Resistance Band Twist (10 each side)
PVC Pipe Circuit (7 reps each way, 28 reps total)
2:00 x 1 arm/1 leg Plank Hold (30sec each side, then 1:00 regular plank)
3 Rounds

Monday, July 14, 2008

07.14.2008 - Matt

1. Warmup

1 mile bike ride warmup
10x goblet squat

2. Timed superset

15x Burpee + pullup
15x BB Push press
10x Burpee + pullup
10x BB Push press


3. Superset 2

10x Squat warmup

a. 5x deep squats (past parallel, fairly heavy)
b. 8x three-way shoulders

3 rounds

4. Timed Circuit

a. 10x each leg DB walking lunges
b. 15x incline sit-up with resistance band
c. 10x DB shoulder shrug
d. rest 1 minutes
3 rounds

1 mile bike cool-down. Stretching

Jack, DaviAnn, Javy - July 12

Madison Park Track

100m x Prison Squats (10 Rows)
Jog 50m
20 x Push Ups
Jog 50m
50m x Backward Lunges
50m x A-Skips
Jog 50m
10 x Pull Ups
Jog 50m

2 Laps


2 x Upside Down Stair Climb + Push up
Jog 50m
10 x Star Hip Extension (10 each side)
Jog 50m
50m x Forward Lunges
50m x Bear Crawl
Jog 50m
1-6-1 Pyramid Squat
Jog 50m

Jog 400m

Sunday, July 13, 2008


1. Warmup

20x pushups
10x pullups

2. Superset 1

- 10x Incline DB bench
- 10x lat pulldown
- 8x Incline DB bench
- 8x lat pulldown
- 8x Incline DB bench
- 8x lat pulldown
- 6x Incline DB bench
- 6x lat pulldown

increase weight each set

3. Superset 2

a. 8x cable chest flys
b. max pullups w/ 25 lbs. DB

4. Continuous countdown superset

5-4-3-2-1 continuous of DB chest flys + DB back flys.

5. Abs

300 abs, various exercises

07.11.2008 - Matt

Trying to figure out ways to do something during my workday. Worked the wave pool today and the wave are on for 10 minutes and off for ten minutes. During the 10 minutes off we can sit. For three "on" period I did continuous slow calf raises - interrupted only a few times by having to yel at kids (slow day). These were very slow calf raises, but held at the top for about a second.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

07.10.2008 - Matt

I rode my bike home from work today along the bike trail from Lake George to Glens Falls. I'm not sure the distance but I'll clock it at some point.

I have a power-hour application on my iPod that changes the song every minute... I used that and switched back and forth each minute between:

a. Highest gear, hard pedaling, standing
b. Lower gear, sitting, recovery pedaling

(If it was a downhill on the recover I usually didnt switch gears)

The bike trail is moderately hilly so it was a good mix of up and downhills. The trip took me 44 minutes total (22 of work, 22 of rest)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I'm working as a lifeguard 6 days a week and haven't been getting to work out as I'd like to. Wackness 2.0. But I talked to my friend the other day... he's in the army and they have a crossfit trainer on staff. He was telling me about their workouts (I became very jealous when he mentioned they had a full compliment of kettlebells and big tires for tire flipping) and I'm including some interesting stuff. He also will be sending me some of them through email, and I'll include them when I get them.

One simple test workout is 50 box jumps and 50 burpees for time. If anyone does it post up your time, I'm going to try to do this one in the next week.

Another interesting exercise (which was part of a circuit that included tire flips and kettlebell swings) was some kind of backwards stair bear-crawl with push-up. Basically, you start at the bottom of the stair with your hands on the ground and feet on the first stair, and climb up backwards, doing a push-up after each stair climbed (if I understood him correctly) and then climb back down. It sounds like a great exercise to add into a circuit or do between supersets...

I'll add more soon

Jack, Christian, DaviAnn 7-7

5 x Bench Press @ 185#
5 x DB Rows @ 90#

5 Sets, Minimal Rest


12 x Depth Push Up
20 x Med Ball Slams
10 x Box Jump March (10 each side)
12 x Resistance Band Rows
10 x Weighted DB Crunch

4 Rounds, Continuous


4 Minute Tabata Sets of:

Leg Lifts (holds)
Plank Hold

Monday, July 7, 2008

Jack, DaviAnn, Javy 7-3

2 Length x Sled Push @ 200#

10 x Fat Bar Curls @ 30#

2 x Box Jumps @ 14” – 18” – 24” – 30” – 36”

12 x Ring Dips

30 x V-up

3 Rounds

Then we played head ball game for 3 hours

Thursday, July 3, 2008

07.03.2008 - Matt

Quick workout today b/c I went to the Y with my brother and he had someplace to go

1. Warmup

10x Deadlift
10x each side single-arm DB snatch

2. Continuous superset

a. 3x deadlift
b. 10x push-up
3 continuous rounds

3. Superset (add weight to deadlift bar)

a. 1x deadlift
b. 5x Bruce Lees
c. 2x deadlift
d. 5x Bruce Lees
e. 3x deadlift
f. 5x Bruce Lees
g. 2x deadlift
h. 5x Bruce Lees
i. 1x deadlift
j. 5x Bruce Lees

deadlift should be heavy

4. Other stuff

5x single-leg squat each leg

a. 8x pullup with 30lb DB between feet
b. 5x bodyweight squat with feet on balance pads (or whatever those things are called - the blue circular things filled with air)

4 rounds

Also we only have 1 rack at the stupid Y, besides Smith machines, and the whole time it was taken up by a guy with awful form who took 5 minutes break between each set and looked like a Brett the Hitman Hart impersonator. Stupid fucking people.

Jack, Javy, DaviAnn 7-2

Circuit done with weight vest:

30 sec x Box jumps
30 sec x Rest
30 sec x Walking Lunges
30 sec x Rest
30 sec x Burpee Pull up combo
30 sec x Rest
30 sec x Jump Rope
30 sec x Rest

3 Continuous Rounds


10 x Hang Clean
10 x Box Jumps @ 44”
5 x Hang Clean
5 x Box Jumps @ 48”
5 x Box Jumps @ 44”
5 x Hang Clean
10 x Box Jumps @ 44”
3 x Hang Clean
5 x Box Jumps @ 48”
5 x Box Jumps @ 54”
10 x Box Jumps @ 48”
10 x Box Jumps @ 48”


1:00 x Legs up, side to side med ball toss
2 Rounds

HBG + Crunches

We had 3 tries to juggle the soccer ball and our longest run we doubled for crunches.

10 x Juggles = 20 crunches
30 crunches
34 crunches
40 crunches
30 crunches

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Jack and Javy 7-1

10 x Bench Press
10 x KTE
8 x Bench Press
10 x KTE
6 x Bench Press
6 x Bruce Lees
4 x Bench Press
6 x Bruce Lees

8 x Man Makers @ 30#
10 x box Jumps @ 36”
25 x Resistance Band Roman Chair Crunch
7 x Man Makers
10 x box Jumps @ 30”
25 x Resistance Band Roman Chair Crunch
6 x Man Makers
10 x box Jumps @ 36”
25 x Resistance Band Roman Chair Crunch
5 x Man Makers
10 x box Jumps @ 30”
25 x Resistance Band Roman Chair Crunch

10 x Chest Flys
10 x Back Flys
100 x Bicycles

4 Rounds