Thursday, July 3, 2008

07.03.2008 - Matt

Quick workout today b/c I went to the Y with my brother and he had someplace to go

1. Warmup

10x Deadlift
10x each side single-arm DB snatch

2. Continuous superset

a. 3x deadlift
b. 10x push-up
3 continuous rounds

3. Superset (add weight to deadlift bar)

a. 1x deadlift
b. 5x Bruce Lees
c. 2x deadlift
d. 5x Bruce Lees
e. 3x deadlift
f. 5x Bruce Lees
g. 2x deadlift
h. 5x Bruce Lees
i. 1x deadlift
j. 5x Bruce Lees

deadlift should be heavy

4. Other stuff

5x single-leg squat each leg

a. 8x pullup with 30lb DB between feet
b. 5x bodyweight squat with feet on balance pads (or whatever those things are called - the blue circular things filled with air)

4 rounds

Also we only have 1 rack at the stupid Y, besides Smith machines, and the whole time it was taken up by a guy with awful form who took 5 minutes break between each set and looked like a Brett the Hitman Hart impersonator. Stupid fucking people.

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