Thursday, May 31, 2007

Jack, DaviAnn, Matt, Andrew, Akil, Christian

10 x Overhead Squat
30 x Calf Jumps (15 each leg)
30 sec rest
3 times through

3 x Sled Push (length of gym)
10 x PB Hamstring Curls
No rest
3 times through

Tabata Sets: (20/10, for 4 minutes)

Box Jumps
3 min rest
Split lunge jumps


5 x Pole Vault hanging inverts

Different ab exercises on the floor
Almost no rest in between

30 x 1 leg in 1 leg out crunches (15 each leg)
100 Bicycles
100 Crunches
1:00 Bridge hold
24 x Opposite elbow to knee crunches (with opposite elbow touching ground at all times)
45 x V-Complex (15 each way)
20 x Very slow sprinter abs

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Jack, Conrad, DaviAnn, Javy

Warm up, stretch out.

5 x Man Makers (30lb DB’s)
12 x Dead Bugs (Lady Bugs for Christian)
4 sets, no rest

10 x Dead lift (135lbs)
5 x Toyota with Pull up
30 x V-up
30 sec rest
4 sets

10 x Push Press (95lbs)
12 x Back Extension
10 x Lat Pull down
2 min rest
3 sets


25x Band-Roman chair crunch
20x GHD Press (10 each arm, 20lb DB)
3 sets

*Check workout from 5-15-07 for a picture of the GHD Press

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I took the weekend off pretty much. Saturday I played mucho beach volleyball, and Sunday I went for a fast 4 mile roller blade. Peter Stone, who is one of the most well known PTs in Boston told me it is one of the best things you can do for weak ankles. Mostly it strengthens your hips which in turn helps take pressure and stress off your knees and ankles. So if you have a pair of roller blades, its always a good idea.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

05.26.2007 - Today I just did some cleans (2 sets warm-up, 3 sets of 5, increasing weight) and dumbells snatches (3 sets 5 each side)


On the rowing machine: 30 seconds work/30 seconds rest for 10 rounds (10 minutes total)


Friday, May 25, 2007

Jack, DaviAnn, Javy

10 x Band resistance runs (Making marker further each time, roughly 3”-4”)
10 x DB Bench Press
8 x Band runs
8 x DB Bench Press
2 times through
(for 3 people, rest while you move the marker for someone else)

Box Jumps (on gray box, 20/10 for a minute and a half)
10 x Incline Chest Flys
3 times through, no rest

Split hand push ups (max reps)
Dips (max reps)
2 min rest
3 times through

Partner Med Ball twist and throws (1 min)
1.5 min rest
3 times through


For the band resistance runs: Get a resistance band and harness or waste strap. Anchor it to the ground and drive out low and hard. Set a marker out 10m in front of you. If you have a partner, have them move it further back for every rep. If not then try to move it yourself. Your only rest should be when it is your turn to move the marker for your partner.

For the split hand push ups: Get a 3" box and put one hand on it, and one hand on the ground so they are at different levels. Do a push up with enough force so that you can throw your body to the side and switch hands. If you find this easy, try doing the same thing on a med ball.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

05.23.2007 - Weight Room (Kevin, Andrew, Matt, Akil, Jon Hall)

We did something a little different from Jack, Javi and Daviann... they did shoulders on tuesday and we didn't, our backs were sore and theirs weren't... so whichever sounds more like you, pick your workout accordingly, both are pretty beast.

1. Superset 1

5x Man-makers +
15x Jackknife situps
3 Continuous Sets (no rest until all 3 sets are done)

2. Tabata Sets

(each of these exercises are done 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest 8 times - aka each exercise takes 4 minutes to complete)

a. box jumps on medium box
b. DB shoulder press (we used 15's and it killed lol)
c. Body Squats, use a box as a guide for how far to go down

3. Last Superset

Pull-up ladder 1-5
Opposite press Lunges
Knees to elbows (5) to Knee Raises (10) to holding knee raise (10 secs)

The pull up ladder is... I do one, you do one, I do 2, you do 2, etc, to 5
Opposite press lunges are... hold 2 dumbells is shoulder-press ready position when you are doing walking lunges.... when you lunge forward with your left, push up with your right arm, and vice versa.

4. Weighted Situps

Hold a heavy dumbell, hook your feet under something, and do situps... make sure you are keeping your back straight, otherwise you could hurt yourself.

Jack, DaviAnn, Javy

Small Loop
Light Stretch

12 x Ball slams and Jump (6 each side, 6kg ball)
12 x Back Extensions
12 x PBall Hamstring Curls
1 min rest
3 rounds

30 x Calf raises (15 each leg)
20 x Star Hip extension (10 each leg)
24 x 1-Leg box hop (12 each leg, 12” box)
2 min rest
3 rounds

15 x Band pull throughs
5 x Toyota with pull up
12 x Supermans (3 sec holds)
3 times through, no rest


15 x Med Ball Crunch and throw (feet under DB’s against wall, throw ball while you crunch)
15 x Partner Roman Chair side to side med ball toss. (left side then right side)
Rotate through the 3 stations without stopping
Rest 2 minutes
3 rounds

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Jack, Conrad, DaviAnn, Javy

10x Hang Clean
1 minute on AirDyne (arms only)
1 minute rest
3 rounds
Rest 5 minutes

10x Push Press
10x Dips
10x Barbell Curls
1 minute rest
3 rounds
Rest 5 minutes

10x Lateral Raise
10x Front Raise
10x Shoulder shrug
1 minute rest
3 rounds
Rest 5 minutes

EZ Bar curls
Tricep Push Downs


This is a burn out. Go a little lighter with weight and don’t stop the entire time.

Once I finished I did a burnout with EZ Bar Curls and Tricep Push Downs (max reps of each)


15 Dead Bugs
3 sets

3 x PBall Holds

(30 seconds, 35 seconds, 40 seconds)

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Weight Room - Matt, Andrew

We did various upper body stuff today... i did arms, Drew did chest and arms.

One good one we tried out was the bungee dumbell curls - take 2 of the elastic bands... step in them to hold them down, and hold the other end with light dumbells (I used 20's) - it gets real hard at the top of your curl. I did 3 sets of 8 each arm, supersetted with skull crushers for triceps. But play around.

Me and Drew also did 1000 abs - work through various exercises to try it out. For example, we did 200 crunches, 100 side crunches each side, 100 flutter kicks, etc...

Jack, Conrad and Javier did a very spartan-esque workout today, I'm going to make Jack an author so check for his post soon.
05.21.2007 - Weight Room (Akil, Matt, Andrew, Jack)

Workout: The "Big 55" (from, created by Dan John)

Bench + Goblet Squat + Box Jumps + Pull-Ups + Dead Lift

reps: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

That means, do 10 reps of all exercises, then move on to 9 reps of each, then 8, etc.

Its supposed to be timed; we didn't time it, but we definitely tried to get it done as quickly as possible - aka, no rest, or very little between sets.

What we used:
Bench: 95 lbs.
Goblet Squat: 55 lbs. dumbell
Box Jumps: 24" box
Dead Lift: 135 lbs.

Picture of the Goblet Squat:

This is not all the way down... the outsides of your elbows should touch the insides of your legs at your lowest point.... and keep the head up.


We finished with abs... we just all picked an exercise each time and did it, and went around 3 times. Basically, we just did mad different ab exercises... mix it up and try out some new stuff.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

05.16.2007 - Weight Room (Akil, Jose, Matt)

1. Warm-up bench, warm-up lat pulldown (whatever adequately warms you up)


8-5-3 Bench, adding weight each time 8-5-3 Lat Pulldown, adding weight each time

3 sets

That means, do 8 reps at one weight, rack the bar, have your spotter add something to each side, then do 5, rack it, add to each side, do 3. Thats one set... only rack it long enough for your spotter or yourself to get the weight added and then move on. Same thing for the lat pulldowns, except you can prob. just move the pin yourself. Also, if you dont have a spotter, just use a bench machine that uses a weight stack with pin so you can do it yourself quickly)

2. Tag Team
We had 3 people, so we had one doing exercise 1, one resting, and 1 doing exercise 2

Person 1: Weighted Sled Push down and back Person 2: Pushups on elevated bar with feet elevated (until sled push is done) Person 3: rest rotate 3 rounds

We had the resting person tell the pushup person when to start and stop, aka when the sled person started and finished. If you're doing this by yourself, just go from sled right to pushups and then estimate the rest time for one sled round. Don't have a sled? Substitute walking lunges, squat jumps with dumbells, or something similar.

3. Box Jumps

We just did 50 total between 3 people. Real easy, no rush, just to get the legs loosened up a little bit.

4. Last Superset

10x GHD press (shown below) 15x Hanging Leg Raises 4 rounds, continuous, no rest until done.

The GHD Presses:

Keep your back straight on the back extention machine and do 10 each side with a light dumbell.
If you want to add an extra challenge, try doing knees-to-elbows instead of hanging leg raises. I did the first and last set and just tried to get 10.

05.15.2007 -

I did arms today to start out.


on the Rowing Machine:

30/30 intervals (30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest)

The rowing machines at Marino had these as a preset so you could just watch the clock, most rowing machines have this interval as a preset i think. If you dont have access to a rowing machine, you could substitute the exercise bike where you use your arms too, or toyotas, or something else intense and full-body.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Also, me, ryan, akil, quinn, and drew played in a game of campus-wide capture the flag that lasted like 2 1/2 hours... anytime you can do stuff like that, do it, its great for keeping your fitness level up and working different intervals of work and rest as well as different muscles... the more different types of physical activity you do, the better
05.14.2007 - Weight Room - Matt, Jon Hall, Jose, Drew, Akil, John Watkins

1. Warm-up front squat to clean (whatever warms you up adequately)

1a. 5x Clean to Front Squat
1b. 5x each side single-arm dumbell snatch

(go directly from a to b, you can rest once you've finished both)

- 3 sets total.

2. Tag-team style:
- 60 seconds of step-ups onto 12" box (we used the gray ones in cabot) with dumbells, then DIRECTLY AFTER, with same dumbells, walking lunges down and back (I did the length of the turf in the weight room, you can estimate about the same)
- Once you go down and back, your partner grabs the dumbells and does the same thing.
- The only rest you get is how long it takes your partner to complete his/her rotation.
- 3 sets total (per person)
- If you dont have a partner, just time how long each rotation takes you, and rest for that amount of time until you go again.

3. Overhead push press (use your legs!) straight into body rows w/ elevated feet
- 15-10-5 no rest
- that means, 15 push presses to 15 body rows, to 10 push presses to 10 body rows, to 5 push presses to 5 body rows. Go directly from one to the next, no rest until you are completely done.

4. Last Sets
- 10x full-body crunches (crunch both upper body AND bring knees into chest)
- hold in crunched position for 10 seconds
- 5x each side full-body crunches (opposite elbow touches opposite knee, and feet stay off ground)
- hold in crunched position for 10 seconds
- 10x full-body crunches
- hold in crunched position for 10 seconds
- 5x each side full-body crunches
- hold in crunched position for 10 seconds
- hint: you should try to keep your feet from hitting the ground throughout the whole workout.

- 25x back entension (no weight)

- 1 minute med ball slams (use as heavy as you can)

Go through these 3 excercises one more time each. Rest as needed between everything.

- I finished up with 2 minutes of jumprope, and some light stretching

- Then, 1.5 mile jog, easy - moderate pace
- if you're like me, your legs were real tight after the workout, so this jog helps to ease the tightness and work out the lactic acid.
-Also, drinking water throughout the rest of the day is necessary if you dont want to be super tight tomorrow.


References -
- we used between 20 and 30 lbs dumbells on the walking lunges/step-ups... for the dumbell snatch we used btw 30 and 40 lbs, except akil who used 55 lbs b/c hes crazy. Also the push press ranged from the bar to a 25 on each side.

Friday, May 11, 2007

05.11.2007 - Weight Room (Matt, Jose, Akil)

Cabot closed early today so we had to make do with what we could accomplish at the Marino Center.

1. Snatch to Overhead Squat -
- 1 snatch to 1 overhead squat, 1 snatch to 2 overhead squats, 1 snatch to 3 overhead squats, and then back down to 1.
- We did 3 sets of these.
- USE A LIGHT WEIGHT - it takes a few times to get used to the balance and movement of the overhead squat
- as always, click the exercise name above to see a video of it.

2. Continuous superset:
a. 30 bodyweight squats (squats with no bar, weight, anything)
b. Max reps of bench at 155 lbs.
- 4 cycles
- Go right from one to the other... yes, your bench reps will drop dramatically after the first set. Have a spotter.

3. Abs

- We all just did abs on our own at home... try to do a lot, its a good day to get in tons of abs.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

05.10.2007 - Rest Day

I just jogged today. I only did a little over 2 miles, at a decent pace.
*summer is a good time to do other shit too, like play basketball, bike, football... it developes different muscles, its great cardio workout and it keeps your body off-balance so it doesn't easily adapt to what you're throwing at it, thus your body works better under stress, and you don't fall into a training rut.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

05.09.2007 - Weight Room (Jose, Akil, Matt)

-10 squat box jumps, straight to 10 pushups
-3 continuous sets, no rest until done.

Superset 1
-5 Man-makers (click on the name to get a description of what it is)
-15 jackknife crunches on bench or box
-3 continous sets of this. If you have to rest in between sets, you can, but try not to, as you're not only working the muscles, but working on your cardio-vascular fitness as well. That way your muscles will learn to work under stress, and you'll burn fat as well.
-We did the man-makers with 20lbs dumbells, and they were plenty for 5 reps/set.
-The jackknife crunches are where you crunch up and bring your knees into your chest on each one.

Tabata Thrusters
-The Tabata method is where you work for 20 seconds, rest for 10, and repeat 8 times. The entire excercise only takes 4 minutes but it kills. We did it with Thrusters, which are like squats and push press combined (click the name for a video of the thrusters).

-Tabata Thrusters, 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest, 8 sets, 4 minutes total
-We did it with just the bar, and by the last set, it still hurt like hell.

Pull-up Ladders
-2 sets of 1-5 with rest in between sets

-A pull-up ladder is when one person does 1 pull-up, and the other does one, the first person does 2, the other does 2, the first does 3, the other does 3, and so on. We did up to 5.

-2 sets of 4 way situps, 15 each way
-100 flutter kicks
-hang with knees raised for 1 minute

Jog (optional)
-1.5 mile jog, moderate pace - it was just too nice a day here not to do something outside, plus I think its a good idea to jog after a workout like this to stay loose.


Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Track Workout - Conrad, Jose, John W, Christian

6 downstarts on the first turn (about 100 meters)
Today I just did arms... not b/c they are good for track, just because I like doing them. If you want some new ideas on stuff to do for arms, just hit me up on AIM or facebook or something

- Matt

Monday, May 7, 2007

05.07.2007 - Weight Room - Matt (first official day of SSS workouts)

The other fellas still have to compete, so they stuck with Mike's workouts today, which was smart. We'll probably do a similar workout to this next Monday when everyone's ready for the insanity haha.

1. Warm-up front squat to clean (whatever warms you up adequately)

1a. 5x Clean to Front Squat
1b. 5x each side single-arm dumbell snatch

(go directly from a to b, you can rest once you've finished both)

- 3 sets total.

2. Tag-team style:
- 60 seconds of step-ups onto 12" box (I used the gray ones in cabot) with dumbells, then DIRECTLY AFTER, with same dumbells, walking lunges down and back (I did the length of the turf in the weight room, you can estimate about the same)
- Once you go down and back, your partner grabs the dumbells and does the same thing.
- The only rest you get is how long it takes your partner to complete his/her rotation.
- 3 sets total (per person)
- If you dont have a partner, just time how long each rotation takes you, and rest for that amount of time until you go again.

3. Overhead push press (use your legs!) straight into body rows w/ elevated feet
- 15-10-5 no rest
- that means, 15 push presses to 15 body rows, to 10 push presses to 10 body rows, to 5 push presses to 5 body rows. Go directly from one to the next, no rest until you are completely done.

4. Abs
- 10x full-body crunches (crunch both upper body AND bring knees into chest)
- hold in crunched position for 10 seconds
- 5x each side full-body crunches (opposite elbow touches opposite knee, and feet stay off ground)
- hold in crunched position for 10 seconds
- 10x full-body crunches
- hold in crunched position for 10 seconds
- 5x each side full-body crunches
- hold in crunched position for 10 seconds
- rest
- hint: you should try to keep your feet from hitting the ground throughout the whole workout.

5. Other Stuff
- 25x back entension (no weight)
- 1 minute med ball slams (use as heavy as you can)
- 25x back extension (no weight)
- 1 minute med ball slams
- you dont need to go from one right to the other, you can rest a little between each thing.

- I finished up with 2 minutes of jumprope, and some light stretching

- Then, 1.5 mile jog, easy - moderate pace
- if you're like me, your legs were real tight after the workout, so this jog helps to ease the tightness and work out the lactic acid.


References -
I used 25 lbs dumbells for the step-ups and lunges, which were pretty tough. The other stuff I just guessed at what I could do. Also, my average time for each rotation was just over 2 minutes, so the step-ups and lunges took about the same amount of time. If its taking you significantly longer or shorter, adjust the distance you do the walking lunges accordingly.

Spartan Schedule

Spartan Daily Schedule:

7 AM (or whenever you wake up):
3 Nitrix Tablets (on an empty stomach)

7:30 AM (or a half hour after you wake up):

11 AM:
3 Nitrix Tablets (on an empty stomach)

11:30 AM:

12 PM:
Track workout

1:30 PM:
2 scoops of N.O.-Xplode

4 PM:
1 scoop of CellMass immediately after workout
3 Nitrix Tablets (on an empty stomach)
Protein shake (if possible)

4:30 PM:

11 PM (or before you go to bed)
1 scoop of CellMass
Protein shake (if you haven't had one yet today)


**STICK WITH A HEALTHY DIET CONSISTING OF CARBOHYDRATES AND PROTEIN AS WELL AS FRUITS AND VEGGIES. It's also not a bad idea to eat 5 or 6 smaller meals each day instead of 3 large ones because it keeps your body's metabolism on point and helps you burn fat throughout the day as well as continually replenish nutrients.**

This schedule may differ from day to day, but try to stay within this outline.

Taking the supplements above are NOT REQUIRED and we are not going to force you to take them. Consult a doctor if you are unaware of your current health condition or have any pre-existing medical condition including but not limited to: high or low blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, stroke; heart, liver, or thyroid disease; anxiety, depression, seizure disorder, psychiatric disease, diabetes, pernicious anemia, difficulty urinating due to prostate enlargement, or if you are taking an MAO inhibitor or any other medication. Discontinue use if sleeplessness, tremors, dizziness, nervousness, headaches, or heart palpitations occur.

Most importantly, DO NOT MIX WITH ALCOHOL. I understand that we all try to be Spartans in the bars as well, so if you think you will be consuming any type of alcohol that day, please refrain from using these products. Alcohol dehydrates the body and these products require you to consume almost a gallon of water per day. Use caution in and out of the weight room.

Friday, May 4, 2007

05.04.2007 - Weight Room - Christian, Matt, Conrad, Jose

1a. 3x10 squat box jumps
1b. 3x30 seconds hip flexor stretch

2a. 3x3 Snatch

3a. 2x10 each leg tall box step-ups
(we held dumbells)

4a. 3x5 Bench
4b. 3x5 body row

5a. 4-way abs, 15 each way
5b. 50 toe-toucher crunches
(go through this twice)

6a. 3x8 PB hamstring curl
6b. 3x8 4-way shoulders

7. Knees-to-elbows, to leg raises, to hold
(5 knees to elbows, 5 leg raises, hold for 10 seconds = one set. No rest in between excercises. 3 sets total)

- To see an example of what knees to elbows are, go to this site and watch the slideshow:

We did 5 of these, then went straight into hanging leg raises (from all the way down to 90 degrees) and then held at 90 degrees for 10 seconds.

05.04.2007 - Track - Christian, Conrad, Jose
