Monday, June 30, 2008

06.30 - Matt

1. Warmup

10x Pushups
10x Pullups
10x Hang Clean
10x Pushup

2. Superset 1

a. 5x Hang clean
b. Single-arm DB bench

5 sets, increase weight for both each set
b. goes 10x for first 2 sets, 8x for second 2 sets, 6x for last set

3. Timed pullup ladder

4. Interval superset Superset 2

a. 5x man-makers
b. 12x jackknife situps
c. rest 1 minute

3 rounds

June 30, 2008 - Christian

Quick Workout

Squat - 5x5

Superset 1:
1. Incline DB Bench - 3x10
1. Pull Ups - 3x10
1. DB Snatch - 3x6

Superset 2:
2. Hanging Leg Raises 3x10
2. PB Single Leg Hamstring Curl - 3x10

1. Roman Chairs - 3x15
1. Upper/Side Ab Combo - 3x10 (for each side and for middle)

Friday, June 27, 2008

Jack, Javy, DaviAnn 6-26

The Big 55's

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of the following:

Zottman Curls @ 20#
Ab Roller
Walking Lunges + Opposite Shoulder Press @30# DBs
Dead Lift @ 185#
GHD Press @ 25# DB

Thursday, June 26, 2008

06.26.2008 - Matt K

Bike ride to the Y

Warmup Bi's and Tri's

a. 5x Barbell curls while sitting on bench
b. 10x DB skull crushers

4 rounds, rest as needed

2. "The Small 55"

10 - 1 of DB curls with resistance bands + tricep pushdown
Directly after the set of 1, go into a burnout of each.
Looks like: 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - Burnout

3. Tabata set of Dead Bugs

4. One arm does DB bicep curl, the other arm does cable tricep pulldown. To failure.
Switch arms, and repeat.

5. 1 minute of hanging knee raise hold

6. Bike ride home

7. 3 mile run

also.... I'm mad jealous of the ladders! I think its time I broke out the sidewalk chalk...

Jack and Javy 6-25

25 x Dead Lift + Hang Clean + Press @ 135#


50-30-10 Reps of:

Chin Ups
Box Jumps @ 30"
Back Extensions w/ 20# vest

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Jack, Javy, DaviAnn 6-24

Leg/Ab Day

Every exercise to be a superset with an ab exercise.

Goblet Squat:
10sec x 60deg
10sec x 45deg
10sec x 30deg
10sec x 45deg
10sec x 60deg
Dion Abs:
10sec x 30deg
10sec x 45deg
10sec x 60deg
10sec x 45deg
10sec x 30deg

4 Continuous Rounds

1:00 x Box Jumps @ 14”
1:00 x Plank Hold, or Leg Lift

4 Continuous Rounds

3 Lengths x Sled Push
PB Hamstring Curls (until sled is finished)
Bicycles (until sled is finished)

3 Continuous Rounds

Pyramid Goblet Squat 1-6-1 @ 10# DB

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Jack and Javy 6-23

A day of Pyramid Sets:

Bench Press @ 95# 1-6-1
Pull Ups 1-4-1
Adequate Rest in Between
2 Rounds

DB Chest Flys @ 20# 1-6-1
Body Rows 1-4-1
Standing Resistance Band Chest Press 1-6-1
Seated Resistance Band Row 1-6-1

Then we set up a little obsticle course on the turf:

Ladder, side to side, 2-touch inbetween (matt, your favorite one)
Right after the ladder was 5 banana hurdles which we did stiff legged hops.
Then a series of boxes in a row, so you jump off one box hit the ground and right up on another.
14" - 18" - 24" - 30"

5 Times Through (jog back)
2 Min Rest

5 Times through w/ 20# weight vest.
2 Min Rest

5 Times through w/ 2-20# weight vests. (40# total)
5 Times through, (no vests)


Pyramid set of Dion Abs (1-7-1)

Monday, June 23, 2008

06.23.2008 - Matt K

Morning Workout:

4x (20 sec on, 10 sec off) rowing machine (2 mins) +
2 minutes of 5x med ball slams + 5x atomic situp

rest 4 minutes


4x (20 sec on, 10 sec off) back squat @ 65# + resistance bands (2 mins) +
2 minutes of 5x pushups + 5x pullups

rest 4 minutes

Friday, June 20, 2008

06.20.2008 - Matt K

Pretty light, easy workout


10x pull-ups
10x push-ups
10x light snatch

1. Interval

a. 5x Snatch
b. 10x push-up w/ feet on BOSU
c. 10x body row
d. rest 1 minute

5 rounds

10x pull-ups


a. 10x SLDL each side
b. Abs
(round 1 - incline boxer abs, 10 each direction; round 2 - 15x incline crunch w/ resistance band; round 3 - 20x dead bug)

3 rounds

10x pull-ups

200 abs, various exercises


Jack 6-20

Big Loop

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Jack and Javy 6-19

This workout was a bit different but awesome. 
Everything was done in the cage with a weight sled + 45lb weight
We hooked chains to the sled so there was about 8' of chain with two handles on the ends. 
Each exercise was done once, the entire length of the cage (about 60m)

1. CHEST PRESS (like a standing bench press, push, take a step forward and push again, 60m)
2. WALKING LUNGES (handles held at side of chest)
3. ROW (walking backwards)
6. CALF RAISES (Basically walking just staying on toes, handles at chest)
9. STRAIT ARM CHEST FLY (Arms down, from hips, bring them strait in front of you)
10. SIDE WALKS OUTSIDE (Holding handles w/ left hand, press off left foot, switch at half)
11. STRAIT ARM BACK FLY (walking backwards, arms strait out, pull down w/ stiff arm)
12. SIDE WALKS INSIDE (Holding handles w/ left hand, press off right foot, switch at half)


60m sprint w/ sled (hands at chest)
1:30 Rest
4 Rounds

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Jack and Javy 6-18

Heavy Squat and Bench

5 x Squat (225, 245, 265, 285, 295)
5 x Bench Press (175, 185, 195, 200, 205)
5 Sets

10 x Partner Body Hamstring Curls
10 x Box Jumps @ 30"
3 Sets


6 x Bruce Lee Lifts
10 x Standing PVC Pipe Resistance Band Twist (10 each side)
3 Sets

06.17.2008 - Matt K, Mike V

1. Shrugs

14-12-10-8, increasing weight each time.
rest in between is as long as it takes for other person to do shrugs

2. Shoulder press

4 sets of 10

3. 2-Way Shoulder (3-way minus the bent-over one)

3 sets of 10

4. Bi's and Tri's

a. 1-5 Ladder of pullup+dip (person 1 does 1 of each, person 2 does 1 of each, person 1 does 2 of each, etc). Continuous

Rest 1 minute

b. 3 sets of 8 tricep pulldown w/ straight bar - continuous between 2 people

Rest 2 minutes

c. Bullet curls w/ hammer bar - Person 1 goes 1 - 10, person 2 goes 10 - 1 (inverse work-to-rest ratio for both)

Rest as needed

d. Tag team - back and forth between cable concentration curls and over the head cable tricep extensions

Rest 2 minutes

e. c. Bullet curls w/ hammer bar - Switch (whoever went 1 - 10 now goes 10 - 1 and vise versa)(inverse work-to-rest ratio for both)

*** I'm forgetting something in this workout... there was something else in the bi's tri's section.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Jack 6-17

Shoulder Day

Timed Pull Up Ladder.
1st minute 1 pull up, 2nd minute 2 pull ups...

I made it into the 11th round.

Superset 1:
10 x DB Shoulder Press @ 55lb DBs
10 x Lat Pull Down (behind head) @ 135
1 Minute Rest
3 Rounds

Superset 2:
10 x 3-Way Shoulder Raise @ 15lb DBs (10 each way)
10 x Resistance Band Shoulder Shrug
3 Minute Rest
3 Rounds


30 x Resistance Band Roman Chair Crunch
10 x Roman Chair Sit Up
3 Rounds

30 x Side to Side Seated Plate Twist @ 45lbs
10 x Standard Sit up with heals as close to butt as possible.
20 x Sit up w/ opposite elbow to knee (10 each way)
15 x Lying on side, bottom elbow to top knee(15 each side)
3 Rounds

Monday, June 16, 2008

06.16.2008 - Matt K, Mike V

Chest and Back

1. Warmup

10x Push-ups
10x Pull-ups

2. Tag Team

a. 8x Bench with resistance bands
b. 8x rope face pulls
Go from one right to the other

While person 1 is doing this, person 2 is spotting/resting, as soon as person 1 finishes, person 2 starts. Gives a good rest time.

5 continuous rounds

3. Pull-up ladder

Person 1 does 1, person 2 does 1, person 1 does 2, person 2 does 2, etc... until one person cannot complete the required number of pull-ups.

4. Continuous circuit

a. 5x DB push-ups w/ rows (half a man-maker) @ 40lbs.
b. 10x each side GHD press @ 20lbs.
c. Upright rows on smith machine

5 continuous sets, no rest until all sets are done

5. Lat pull-downs

a. Front pulldowns
b. Behind-the-neck pulldowns
3 rounds, rest long enough for the other person to complete their set then switch immediately.


Friday, June 13, 2008

Tabata Music

I created this a while back, and its useful if you are doing Tabata work by yourself, or if watching the clock is awkward.

The song changes at each interval between a heavy song (20-seconds work) to a light song (10 seconds rest). The pair of songs switches each minute. Also, there are beeps at 2 seconds and 1 second before a change to prepare to stop or start a work session.

I also let the last rest song ride out since most tabata sets end with an extended period of breath-catching.

Download here:

06.13.2008 - Matt K

1. Warmup

1 Mile Bike Ride, easy (just my ride to the Y, not really part of my workout)

6-way barbell complex:
(Dead Lift to Row to Hang Clean to Front Squat to Push Press to Back Squat to Push-up)
3 continuous rounds

rest, then repeat.

2. Tabata Rows (on rowing machine)
(Became very difficult by the last minute, where my pulls dropped to around 1150-1250 calorie watts/hr or whatever the measure is)

3. 10x Captain Abs
2 rounds

4. Tabata Thrusters
Done w/ 20lbs. dumbbells

5. Tabata Incline crunches

Stretch, bike ride to cool down.

Jack 6-13

Big Loop

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Jack and Javy 6-12

5 x 5 Dead Lift

5-4-3-2-1 continuous reps of:

One Arm DB Clean and Press
Box Jumps @ 44"
Dead Hang Pull Ups
Bruce Lee Lifts
4-Corners Press


10 x Burpee Pull Up Combo
10 x Push Press @ 95 lbs
No Rest In between

3 min rest

8 x Burpee Pull Up Combo
8 x Push Press @ 95 lbs
No Rest In Between


10 x KTE
80 x Sprinter Abs
15 x Lying on side, Bottom elbow to top knee

06.12.2008 - Matt

1. Warmup

10x pull-upps
10x dumbbell curls

2. Continuous circuit

a. 10x Dumbbell curls w/ resistance band
b. 10x Lat Pull-Downs
c. 10x incline crunches w/ med ball twists

3 rounds, no rest between... decent weight used so that the last set of a. and b. were very difficult to finish

3. Timed Ladder

a. Timed cable curl ladder w/ calf raises

*Same as timed pull-up ladder, but using the cable machine to do curls (straight bar). first minute, 1 curl; 2nd minute, 2 curls; 3rd minute, 3 curls and so on. Then, during the rest after each set I continuously did standing calf raises until the next minute started

4. Interval

a. 10x rear delt flies (laying on bench)
b. 5 KTE to 5 hanging leg raises to 10 second hanging hold with knees raised.
c. Rest 1 minute

repeat 3 times


06.10.2008 - Matt K, Mike V

Bench Warm-Up

1. 8-5-3 Bench Press (add weights after each, no rest until done with all 3)

rest as needed between sets
3 rounds

2. 10x Decline bench press on Smith machine
8x " " " " " "
6x " " " " " "

increase weight each set

3. 6x Chest Press Negatives on machine

slow 5-count on the way down, last rep on each set should be very hard to keep the speed slow
3 sets

4. 10x tricep extensions with increasing weight
3 sets

5. 10x dips
3 sets


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

June 11, 2008 - Christian, Jack


Superset 1:
1) Incline Hammer Curl - 3x10
1) Rope Pulldown - 3x10

Superset 2:
2) Reverse Curl - 3x10
2) Lying Alternating Tricep Extensions - 3x10

Superset 3:
3) Standing 2-Arm Curl w/bands - 3x10
3) Tricep Pushdown w/bands - 3x10

June 10, 2008 - Christian, Javy

Superset 1:
1) Power Clean - 5x5
1) Barbell Bench - 5x5

Superset 2:
2) Squat - 5x5
2) DB Row - 5x5

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Jack and DaviAnn 6-10

Good Warm up, then 6 Strides in the cage.


10 x One Arm DB Bench on PB (50lb DB)
10 x Seated Resistance Band Row (Thick Black Band)
10 x Box Jumps @ 30"
4 Rounds


20 x DaviAnn abs
20 x Jesus Abs
25 x V-Ups
100 x Bicycles
2 Rounds

Jack and DaviAnn 6-9

6 Minute Circut

Wall Ball (7kg ball)
Zottman Curls (20lb DBs)
Box Jumps (Gray Box, 18")
Back Extensions
PB Hamstring Curls

1:00 of each exercise, no rest in between.

4:00 rest
3 Rounds


4:00 Tabata Set: Leg Lifts (hold)

4:00 Tabata Set: Standard Crunch
Knees Left Crunch
Knees Right Crunch
Standard Crunch

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Jack 6-7

3 Mile Run


30 x Opposite Elbow to Knee Crunches (other elbow touching ground)
2 sets

25 x Crunch (legs up)
2 sets

20 x DaviAnn Abs (20 each side)

40 x Oblique Crunch (40 each side)

25 x DaviAnn Abs (25 each side)

Friday, June 6, 2008

Jack 6-5

10 x Hang Clean @135lbs
1:00 of Resistance Band swim (red bands)
1:00 Rest
3 Rounds

10 x Push Press @ 135lbs
10 x Barbell Curl @ 65lbs
10 x Lying DB Tricep Extensions @35lb DB's
1:30 Rest
3 Rounds

10 x Zottman Curls @ 20lb DB's
10 x Resistance Band Tricep Push Downs (purple bands)
2:00 Rest
3 Rounds


4:00 Tabata set of leg lifts

25 x Heals to butt sit up
2 rounds

20 x DaviAnn abs
2 Rounds

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Jack and Matt 6-4

The Big 55's

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps of:

Goblet Squat @ 55lbs
Bench Press @ 135lbs
Dead Lift @ 135lbs
Pull Ups
Box Jumps @ 30"

Time: 21:57


5 Way crunch (50 reps)

Tabata set of bicycles: 4:00

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Jack and Javy 6-1

This amazing workout was done at the MIT Track

3 Continuous Laps Completed

First strait away: Prizon Squats (10 sections)
Jog 25m to peak of turn

20 Decline Push ups (feet on steeple chase hurdle)
Jog 25m to back strait

100m run w/ 50lb sand bag on left shoulder
100m run back with bag on right shoulder
Jog 150m to far turn

10 x Pull up on Uprights
10 x side to side med ball tosses over uprights (10lb ball)
Jog 25m to bleachers and begin lap 2 of prison squats.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

June 3, 2008 - Christian, Conrad


Superset 1:
1) Incline DB Curl
1) Close-Grip Bench

Superset 2:
2) 3-Grip Barbell Curl
2) Skull Crushers

Superset 3:
3) "Arnold" Curls
3) DB Tricep Extension

Christian: Abs still a little sore from yesterday so didn't do any today. Also did a track workout with the GBTC: 3x300m (40-41 sec. pace), 3x200m (26-27 sec. pace)

Monday, June 2, 2008

June 2, 2008 - Christian, AJ, Jon H


Superset 1:
1) Barbell Bench - 10-rep warmup, then sets of 8, 6, 4, and 8
1) DB Row - 4x10

Superset 2:
2) DB Incline Bench - 4x10
2) Pull Ups - 3x10

Abs: AJ, Jon and I did 1,000 repetitions of different abdominal exercises (took about a half hour)

06.02.2008 - Matt

4.5 Mile run


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Articles, etc

Just some stuff I've come across, some of it is interesting:

Bar Speed: Actual vs. Intended

Speed of movement is one of the most important factors related to strength gains. Actually, intended speed of movement is the real key. What's the difference? We've established that maximal strength training should be done above 85%, while including sets over 90% for best results. Those of you who have moved a weight above 90% understand that no matter what your intentions are, the bar isn't going to move quickly. The actual bar speed doesn't matter — the intended bar speed does.

From the same article, about warmups:

Overshoot Your Working Intensity

Warming up is receiving more attention than it used to, for good reason. A high quality warm-up will positively influence the rest of the workout. If you haven't purchased Inside-Out by Mike Robertson and Bill Hartman and Magnificent Mobility by Eric Cressey and Mike Robertson, you're doing yourself a disservice.

Following your dynamic mobility and activation work, it's still necessary to warm-up on a specific lift. If you're going to be working at submaximal intensities (which I'll loosely define as below 90%), extend your lift-specific warm-up to a higher intensity than what you'll be using for your work sets.

So, say you're doing a lower body workout that starts with deadlifts for a 4 x 5 set/rep scheme at around 80%. Your max deadlift is 400 pounds, with 80% of that equalling 320 pounds.

Your mobility and activation warm-up might look something like:

Moving over to the platform, your deadlift-specific warm-up would look like this:

Jack and Javy 5-31

Cabot weight room was closed so we had to improvise.

We played basketball and head ball game for about an hour and a half.

Then we went into the cage and did a short circut.

10 x Ring pull ups
30 x Push Ups
4 x Squat Jumps
10 x Squat + med ball toss @ 7kg ball
3 min rest
3 rounds


Pyramid Abs
Dion Abs w/ legs strait out 1-5-1

bicycles, Javy does 30 fast while I do them slow, then I do 30 fast while he does them slow.
2 continuous rounds