Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Jack and Javy 6-23

A day of Pyramid Sets:

Bench Press @ 95# 1-6-1
Pull Ups 1-4-1
Adequate Rest in Between
2 Rounds

DB Chest Flys @ 20# 1-6-1
Body Rows 1-4-1
Standing Resistance Band Chest Press 1-6-1
Seated Resistance Band Row 1-6-1

Then we set up a little obsticle course on the turf:

Ladder, side to side, 2-touch inbetween (matt, your favorite one)
Right after the ladder was 5 banana hurdles which we did stiff legged hops.
Then a series of boxes in a row, so you jump off one box hit the ground and right up on another.
14" - 18" - 24" - 30"

5 Times Through (jog back)
2 Min Rest

5 Times through w/ 20# weight vest.
2 Min Rest

5 Times through w/ 2-20# weight vests. (40# total)
5 Times through, (no vests)


Pyramid set of Dion Abs (1-7-1)

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