Monday, June 16, 2008

06.16.2008 - Matt K, Mike V

Chest and Back

1. Warmup

10x Push-ups
10x Pull-ups

2. Tag Team

a. 8x Bench with resistance bands
b. 8x rope face pulls
Go from one right to the other

While person 1 is doing this, person 2 is spotting/resting, as soon as person 1 finishes, person 2 starts. Gives a good rest time.

5 continuous rounds

3. Pull-up ladder

Person 1 does 1, person 2 does 1, person 1 does 2, person 2 does 2, etc... until one person cannot complete the required number of pull-ups.

4. Continuous circuit

a. 5x DB push-ups w/ rows (half a man-maker) @ 40lbs.
b. 10x each side GHD press @ 20lbs.
c. Upright rows on smith machine

5 continuous sets, no rest until all sets are done

5. Lat pull-downs

a. Front pulldowns
b. Behind-the-neck pulldowns
3 rounds, rest long enough for the other person to complete their set then switch immediately.


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