Thursday, May 24, 2007

05.23.2007 - Weight Room (Kevin, Andrew, Matt, Akil, Jon Hall)

We did something a little different from Jack, Javi and Daviann... they did shoulders on tuesday and we didn't, our backs were sore and theirs weren't... so whichever sounds more like you, pick your workout accordingly, both are pretty beast.

1. Superset 1

5x Man-makers +
15x Jackknife situps
3 Continuous Sets (no rest until all 3 sets are done)

2. Tabata Sets

(each of these exercises are done 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest 8 times - aka each exercise takes 4 minutes to complete)

a. box jumps on medium box
b. DB shoulder press (we used 15's and it killed lol)
c. Body Squats, use a box as a guide for how far to go down

3. Last Superset

Pull-up ladder 1-5
Opposite press Lunges
Knees to elbows (5) to Knee Raises (10) to holding knee raise (10 secs)

The pull up ladder is... I do one, you do one, I do 2, you do 2, etc, to 5
Opposite press lunges are... hold 2 dumbells is shoulder-press ready position when you are doing walking lunges.... when you lunge forward with your left, push up with your right arm, and vice versa.

4. Weighted Situps

Hold a heavy dumbell, hook your feet under something, and do situps... make sure you are keeping your back straight, otherwise you could hurt yourself.

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