Monday, June 11, 2007

06.11.2007 - Akil, Christian, Conrad, Dayna, Jon W, Matt

1. OH Squat + Chain/Band Push-ups

20x Overhead Squat @ 65# +
10x Ring Push-ups (feet higher than hands) +
15x Overhead Squat @ 65# +
15x Ring Push-ups (feet higher than hands) +
10x Overhead Squat @ 65# +
20x Ring Push-ups (feet higher than hands) +

2. Speed Squats and Band Pull-Throughs

Speed Squats - 5 rounds, 3-2-1-2-3 - Light enough weight that you can do them fast, use bench as guide.
-Superset with 10x band pull-throughs
-keep rotating through people to get everyone done quickly.

3. "Tabata Fight Gone Bad" (Revised from's version)

4 continous rounds of tabata, no rest, start anywhere (rotate)

1. Wallball
2. Sumo Deadlift High Pull
3. Box Jump
4. Push Press

Should take 16 minutes total

Click here to watch a video
- we just took out the rows, and used dumbells for the push press.

4. ABS

Various bodyweight ab excercises... these should HURT while you're doing them

1 comment:

j.sherman said...

Dude, that tabata circut is CRAZY.