Friday, September 5, 2008

09.05.2008 - Matt

Went into the gym knowing not what I was going to do, so this workout was very unfocused. I'll have to put more thought into my workouts ahead of time.

Light bike warmup
warmup bi's and tri's

10-8-5-3-3 superset of
preacher curls
the nautilus tricep extension machine
rest as needed

1-4-1 ladder supersetting pull-up + KTE and dips.

1 pullup + KTE, 1 dip, 2 Pullups + KTE, 2 dips, etc
continuous, then directly into a 500m row (1:58)

3 sets of 10 each of
a. standing cable curls (like the resistance band one we do, which end in the typical "check out my biceps" pose)
b. tricep push-downs

500m row (1:48)

10 dion abs (5 second holds)
then continuous:
25 crunches w/ feet raised
25 left side crunches
25 right side crunches
25 crunches w/ feet raised

ended with alternating burnout: cable ez-bar curl supersetted with rope pull-down: 5 of each, as many rounds as it takes to burn out of both. I set the weight pretty high b/c I didnt want to be there forever.

Stretch, bike home

**yesterday's workout was pretty good while I was doing it, although I wished I had done something else intense afterward (like 30/30's on the rowing machine or something)

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