07.02.2007 - Weight Room - Christian, Jon W, Jose, Matt
"Benchwarmer"1. Chain Bench Superseta. 10-8-6-5-4 Chain Bench
b. 4-5-6-8-10 Pullups
First set looks like: 10x Chain Bench, 4x pullups.
Done to finish, rest as needed, heavy weights
2. Circuita. 8x Single-arm DB Bench, right
b. 8x Single-arm DB Bench, left
c. 8x Barbell Rollout @ 95lbs
(use pretty heavy weights for the single arm bench - we ranged btw 50 and 65 lbs DB's)
(also, try to not hold onto anything with your other arm - it increases the effect)
3 sets
3. Circuita. 15x Resistance Band push-ups
b. 2 mins of right-arm DB snatch, as many as you can in 2 minutes
c. 15x Resistance band push-ups
d. 2 mins of left-arm DB snatch, as many as you can in 2 minutes
e. 15x Resistance band push-ups
4. Tag Teama. 10x each side GHD press
b. KTE until partner is done with GHD press
4 Continuous rounds
5. Extra AbsThe rest of the workout targets the abs a lot, so we finished w/ this gem from Jose:
- 2 sets of 25x back-against PB, med ball tosses, touch ground behind you on each way back.
- 1 set of 10 each way boxer abs
Also, Christian did some quick box jump/calf raise type things to get his legs firing, as he's high jumping at the Bay State Games later this month.