Monday, June 4, 2007

06.04.2007 - Weifght Room - Kevin, Jon W, Matt, Christian, Akil


Superset 1
Chain Bench - 8
Chain Bent Over Bar Row - 8
3 Rounds, rest as needed


Circuit - no rest, use whatever weight is necessary
10x Chain Push-up
10x pull-up
10x resistance band flys
10x resistance band lat pulldowns
10x incline dumbell bench
10x deadlift
3 rounds, no rest until done w/ all 3 rounds


Abs etc...
Oblique med ball tosses - 5 rounds
3 x 15 dumbell straight-arm crunches
100 regular crunches
2 sets of 5, 7 second holds (aka "Dion abs")
1 minute fast, powerful med ball slam
10 each side, slow full body oblique crunches
Hold plank for 1 minute
3 sets of 15 Roman Chairs w/ EZ bar

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