Sunday, July 15, 2007

Jack, DaviAnn, Matt, Jose, Christian

Thursday, June 12

"The Big 55s"

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (reps)

Hang cleans (we used 155lbs)
High Box Jumps (43" box)
Zottman Curls (20-30lbs, i went up as reps went down)
Lunges (2 x 30lb dumbells)

First set looks like 10 x hang clean, 10 x Box jumps, 10 x Zottman Curls, 10 x lunges, 10 x dips. then 9...8..etc.
This should be continuous the entire way through. It would be great to time it for future reference, but not necessary. Try your best not to rest the whole way through.


20 x Slow upper ab crunch (on ground with feet on bench)
3 rounds

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