Saturday, August 23, 2008

08.23.2008 - Matt

a. As many Turkish get-ups as you can do in 1 minute
b. 1 minute rest

10 rounds (20 minutes) - I kept the same arm for each minute session, then did the other arm the next minute.


1 mile jog warm-up

various sprint drills the width of a soccer field
not continuous, after each drill I did something (either stretching, abs, or butt drills)

1 mile jog warm-down

(**Edit** - the getups were done with a 40 lb. DB, and my brother tells me the width of a soccer field is 80 meters. Who knew.)


j.sherman said...

About how many get-ups were you completing in a minute? Were you going fast? or kind of taking your time and staying in good control?

MJK said...

I was going at a moderate pace, basically trying to stay in control since it was the first time I was doing them, trying to keep my form. I'm not sure how many I got in each minute, if I had to guess I'd say maybe around 6 or 7? But overall I concentrated on form.