Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Tuesday, August 7

Big Loop

Chest/Back Workout:

Superset 1:
10 x Bench Press
10 x DB Row
5 rounds, rest as needed

Superset 2:
10 x DB Incline Press
10 x Lat Pulldown
5 rounds, rest as needed

Superset 3:
10 x Chest Fly
10 x Back Extension w/70 lbs
5 rounds, rest as needed

Bruce Lee Lifts - 4 sets of 6
Louie Roman Chair Abs - 4 sets of 25
-->15 w/weight, 10 w/o weight
Upper Ab Curls - 2 sets of 25
Ab Holds - 2 sets of 10, hold for 8 seconds per rep

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