Wednesday, June 27, 2007
12x Box Jumps on 30" box
12x EZ curl bar reverse curls
12x box dips
3 continuous rounds
2. 30/30 intervals for 4 minutes - rotate through
a. DB Thrusters
b. Sprint Starts
c. Med Ball Slams
d. Air-Dyne, arms only
Resistance Band Bicep curls
Resistance Band Tricep Extensions
3-way Shoulders
3 rounds
6x Pull-up +
6x Dip +
6x KTE
6 Rounds, done to finish
5. ABS
3 sets of 10x DB Situps w/ heavy DB (we used 95's)
I was by myself today so I just did something light and quick
a. 5x each side DB Snatch @ 40 lbs
b. 10x pullup
4 continuous sets
8x Behind-the-head overhead push press
4 sets
a. 10x GHD sit-up
b. 10x mad-high box jumps
c. 10x PB hamstring curls
d. 5x each side half-man-makers
d. 1 minute AirDyne
e. 20x each leg switch step on gray box
2 continuous sets
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Jack, Javy, Matt, Christian, Jon, Akil
Monday, June 25
Test: Vertical Jump
8 x Squat with Chains @ 135 + 2 x 35lb Chains
10 x Chain Push Up
4 Continuous Sets
5 Minute Circuit
Complete 1 minute of each of the following:
Box Jumps
DB Chest Flys
Walking Lunges
KB Swings
Jump Rope
1 Minute Rest
3 Rounds
Should take 17 minutes total.
30 x Crunch position head circles (15 each side)
15 x Captain Abs
30 x Med ball twists (on back, ball between knees, 15 to each side)
50 x Leg lifts
Then Javy and I did:
15 x Tug of war abs w/ 45lb hanging weight
15 x Tug of war abs w/ 45lb hanging weight
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Arm and Ab Destruction
1. Continuous Circuit 1
a. 10x DB Resistance Band Curls
b. 10 each side GHD press
c. 10x DB skull crushers
d. 10x KTE
3 Continuous Rounds, no rest until complete
2. Continuous Circuit 2
a. 10x Rope tricep pulldown
b. 15x Dead bug
c. 10x Chain Barbell curl
d. 15x oblique plate twists
3 Continuous Rounds, no rest until complete
3. Tabata Sets - go right from one to the next
a. Light DB Hammer Curls
b. Bicycle Abs
c. Box Dips
should take 12 minutes total
4. Extra Abs
a. Tabata Set of leg raises
- A few inches off the ground for 10 seconds
- 45 degrees for 5 seconds
- back down to a few inches for 5 seconds
- 10 seconds rest
4 minutes total
On the last minute, we switched it up - 10 seconds low, 10 seconds high, a slow decent to low for 5 seconds, and the 5 seconds rest, just to make it a little more difficult.
b. 3 sets of 10 captain abs
Article of the Day:
A little article about "Hard Work"
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
1. Cleans
a. 1-2 sets of warm-ups
b. 10x Hang Clean
c. 8x Hang Clean
d. 5x Hang Clean
e. 5x Hang Clean
f. 5x Hang Clean
g. 3x Hang Clean
Rest as needed, increase weight each set
2. Chest/Back
a. Chain Bench Press w/ 35 lbs of chain each side
b. Rope Face Pulls
5 sets, rest as needed, add weight as needed
3. Circuit
a. 10x Mad-High Box Jumps
b. 15x DB Shoulder Shrugs
c. 15x Resistance Band Push-ups
(We used the tall box and gray box stacked for the box jumps, approximately 43 inches)
4 Rounds, continuous during the round, rest 2 minutes between each round
4. Abs
I had to leave early to catch the caf, but when I hear what Jack and Steve did for Abs, I'll edit the post.
I am also going to be including an article with some of my posts, just because I've come across a lot of good, informative information this summer, and it couldn't hurt to share it. They'll be on a range of subjects, but feel free to read them; also, if you find a good article, let me know and I'll post it up here.
Article of the Day:
A great article from the Gym Jones site about Quality Reps in lifting - getting the most out of each bench, squat, pull-up, whatever:
Jack, Javy, Matt
Tuesday, June 19
50 x Pull Up
50 x Dead Lift
50 x Push Up
50 x Box Jump
Continuous, for time
*We did 10 reps of each, 5 times through.
Javy: 8:25
Jack: 7:16
Matt: 6:35
1 min x Med Ball Press toss (Against wall)
1 min rest
1 min x Med Ball Overhand Toss (Against wall)
1 min rest
1 min x Med Ball Underhand Toss (Against wall)
1 min rest
1 min x Med Ball Backward Overhand Toss (Against wall)
1 min rest
3 continuous rounds
*We did these in the racquet ball courts.
1 min of hanging static knee raise
2 rounds
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Jack, Javy
40 x Backward, Overhead, Roman Chair,
2 Rounds
*Set up two Roman chairs facing away from each other, and offset them like 2 feet. Grab a heavy med ball and do crunches simultaneously with your partner. At the bottom, pass the med ball over your shoulder to your partner and then do another crunch. So its alternating, 1 crunch with the ball, 1 crunch without. Switch sides for your second set so you are passing over the other shoulder.
15 x Tug of War Abs (on roman chair)
10 x Tug of War Abs (on roman chair)
15 x Roman chair crunch (hands behind head)
3 rounds
*Many of you have done these before, but the band is just anchored at a different angle. Align the roman chair about 3' off the wall, in front of one of the base clips. Tie a band (we used the thinner purple ones) to the base clip. Then hop on the roman chair, put the band around your head, and do a crunch. We did 15 with the band, then 15 without.
Hopefully many of you can make it Today (Tuesday) at 5:00, cause we have a sweet/competitive workout planned.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Workout: A Day With Lots of Jumping (from
Throw medicine balls (brief) (Optional)
1. Circuit
3x20 Switch Step @ 10” box
3x10 Jump Squat
3x10 Tuck Jump
3x30 Switch Step + Hop @ 10” box (5x Switch Step + 1x Hop, done 6 times per set)
2. Complex of Hang Clean + Front Squat + Jerk
2 (5/5/3 @ 75#) 40% of 185
2 (4/4/3 @ 95#) 50% of 185
2 (3/3/3 @ 115#) 60% of 185
Emphasize speed on Clean, and Jerk, Front Squat at normal speed
First set looks like: 5x Clean + 5x Front Squat + 3x Jerk
3. Snatch Progression
3x3 @ 50% 1RM
3x3 @ 60% 1RM
3x3 @ 70% 1RM
3x2 @ 80% 1RM
4. Circuit
5x KB Clean @ 2x 70# +
One minute AirDyne
Rest 2 minutes
Three rounds
5. Abs (Group 1)
100 crunches
200 flutter kicks
20 each side hurdle reaches
100 bicycles
100 crunches
1:30 plank hold
1 minute hanging knee raise hold
30 each side side situps
5. Abs (Group 2) they did some exclusive shit that Jack's gonna explain to us tomorrow, sounds exciting
Friday, June 15, 2007
Jack and Javy
6 Minute Circut
Do each of the following for 1 minute
Barbell Row
DB Chest Flys
Jump Rope
Kettle Bell Swings
Ball Slams
Box Jumps
1 minute rest
3 rounds
The total workout should take 20 minutes. If you dont know what Kettle Bell Swings are check out the video here. Scroll down to Kettle Bell Swings
15 x EZ Bar Roman Chair Crunches (rest EZ Bar on shoulders. We added 10lbs / side)
10 x Roman Chair Crunch (hands behind head)
3 rounds
15 x KTE (hanging knees to elbows)
3 rounds
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Jack, Javy
10 x Incline EZ Bar Front Raises
10 x Small Barbell Curls w/ Chains
Minimal Rest
3 Rounds
Incline EZ Bar Front Raises
Keep elbows locked
We used the EZ Bar + 10lb plates
Max x Calf Raises
10 x Band resisted tricep push downs
Minimal Rest
3 Rounds
10 x DB
10 x One Arm DB
10 x DB Split Snatch
*Do not drop the Dumbbells at any time. Go right from cleans to jerks to snatches
10 x Zottman Curls
10 x Tricep Press
Then we just shot around the Basketball for an hour.
Click on the link to view what Split cleans, split jerks, and split snatches are.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
1. DB Bench/Body Row
5x DB Bench
7x Chain Body Row
10x DB Bench
7x Chain Body Row
15x DB Bench
7x Chain Body Row
20x DB Bench
7x Chain Body Row
Use the same weight the whole time for the DB Bench
Chain body row is having the chains w/ handles (or rings) hanging just like for the chain push-ups, but using them for body rows.
2. Timed Pull-up Ladder
Start the clock and do 1 pull-up.... at the next minute mark do 2 pull ups... at the next minute mark do 3 pull-ups, etc. Your reps will increase each time as your rest decreases. Go until you can't complete the number of pull-ups you are supposed to for that minute.
3. Push
a. 15x Resistance Band Push-ups
b. Partner Med ball press and slam:
-One person lies down and pushes a med ball upward; the other catches and drops the med ball for their partner, and after every 2 presses, completes a med ball slam. 15 rounds of that each set; aka, 30 presses and 15 slams, then switch
2 sets total; then finish up with another set of resistance band push-ups.
4. Abs
Superset 1:
10x Captain Abs
10x weighted hanging leg raises
3 continuous rounds
Superset 2:
15x Dead Bug
10x DB Sit-Ups
3 continuous rounds
Superset 3:
15x each side plate rotations
10x Supermans w/ 3 second hold
3 continuous rounds
1 Tabata round of Leg Raises
1 Tabata round of Plank holds
Jack, Javy
Tuesday, June 12
10 x Hang clean @ 135
10 x Resistance Run
7 x Hang clean @ 135
7 x Resistance Run
2 min rest
2 rounds
10 x Squat w/ chain @ 135 + 2 Big Chains
10 x
8 x Squat w/ chain @ 135 + 2 Big Chains
12 x
6 x Squat w/ chain @ 135 + 2 Big Chains
14 x
Continuous, No rest
8 x Squat w/ chain @ 135 + 2 Big Chains
8 x
8 x Squat w/ chain @ 135 + 2 Big Chains
8 x
8 x Squat w/ chain @ 135 + 2 Big Chains
8 x
Continuous, No rest
Tabata Sets: 4 min each (20/10)
Wall Ball
Box Jumps
Bench Press @ 65lbs
10 x Captain Abs
15 x Weighted Hanging Leg Raises
Continuous, No Rest
3 sets
10 x DB Sit up
15 x Dead Bugs
Continuous, No Rest
3 sets
10 x Supermans (3 second holds)
Continuous, No Rest
3 sets
Bridge Hold
Leg Lifts
No rest in between tabata exercises
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Jack, Javy
Warm up:
Med Ball Tosses:
10 x Press from chest
10 x Overhand Toss
10 x Underhand Toss
10 x Backwards overhand Toss
10 x Ring Pull up
1 x Rope climb to top
Ball Slams down and back on the strait away (100m) alternating w/ partner
3 min rest
4 sets
Med Ball Press toss (down and back, 100m total)
Rest While Partner goes
Med Ball Overhand Toss (down and back, 100m total)
Rest While Partner goes
Med Ball Underhand Toss (down and back, 100m total)
Rest While Partner goes
Med Ball Backward Overhand Toss (down and back, 100m total)
3 min rest
Med Ball Press toss ( ¾ down and back, 75m total)
Rest While Partner goes
Med Ball Overhand Toss (¾ down and back, 75m total)
Rest While Partner goes
Med Ball Underhand Toss (¾ down and back, 75m total)
Rest While Partner goes
Med Ball Backward Overhand Toss (¾ down and back, 75m total)
2 min rest
Med Ball Press toss (½ down and back, 50m total)
Rest While Partner goes
Med Ball Overhand Toss (½ down and back, 50m total)
Rest While Partner goes
Med Ball Underhand Toss (½ down and back, 50m total)
Rest While Partner goes
Med Ball Backward Overhand Toss (½ down and back, 50m total)
2x10 Cauldron (10x two-handed circles in each direction) @ barbell only)
2x5 Cauldron (5x one-handed circles in each direction) @ barbell only)
2x10 Cauldron (10x two-handed circles in each direction) @ barbell + 25lbs)
2x5 Cauldron (5x one-handed circles in each direction) @ barbell only + 25lbs)
2x5 Cauldron (5x one-handed circles in each direction) @ barbell only + 25lbs)
2x10 Cauldron (10x two-handed circles in each direction) @ barbell + 25lbs)
7 x Clap and Pull up
3 sets
20 x Partner Roman Chair strait ball tosses (Ball at chest, 7kg ball)
15 x Partner Roman Chair strait ball tosses (Ball above head, 7kg ball)
15 x Partner Roman Chair strait ball tosses (Ball above head, 7kg ball)
15 x Partner Roman Chair strait ball tosses (Ball above head, 7kg ball)
3 sets
Notes: Click here and watch the "balls" video to view the different types of ball throws. When you throw the ball, let it bounce once and then catch it. We used the 7kg ball. Below are some pictures of what the Cauldron looks like. First the 2 handed, then the one handed. Stir that cauldron!

Monday, June 11, 2007
1. OH Squat + Chain/Band Push-ups
20x Overhead Squat @ 65# +
10x Ring Push-ups (feet higher than hands) +
15x Overhead Squat @ 65# +
15x Ring Push-ups (feet higher than hands) +
10x Overhead Squat @ 65# +
20x Ring Push-ups (feet higher than hands) +
2. Speed Squats and Band Pull-Throughs
Speed Squats - 5 rounds, 3-2-1-2-3 - Light enough weight that you can do them fast, use bench as guide.
-Superset with 10x band pull-throughs
-keep rotating through people to get everyone done quickly.
3. "Tabata Fight Gone Bad" (Revised from's version)
4 continous rounds of tabata, no rest, start anywhere (rotate)
1. Wallball
2. Sumo Deadlift High Pull
3. Box Jump
4. Push Press
Should take 16 minutes total
Click here to watch a video - we just took out the rows, and used dumbells for the push press.
4. ABS
Various bodyweight ab excercises... these should HURT while you're doing them
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
1. Superset 1
Warm-up cleans as necessary
a. 5 Hang Cleans
b. Resistance band sprint starts, 3 distances (go longer each time)
c. 20x DB-hold calf raises
a. 5 Hang Cleans
b. Resistance band sprint starts, 3 distances (go longer each time)
c. 20x DB-hold calf raises
a. 4 Hang Cleans
b. Resistance band sprint starts, 3 distances (go longer each time)
c. 20x DB-hold calf raises
a. 4 Hang Cleans
b. Resistance band sprint starts, 3 distances (go longer each time)
c. 20x DB-hold calf raises
(So the cleans go 5-5-4-4)
2. Continuous Circuit 1
a. Walking Lunges w/ opposite DB press 1-way
b. 10x Squat Jumps w/ DB's in Rack Position
c. 10x PB hamstring curls
3 continuous rounds, no rest until complete
3. Continuous Circuit 2
d. 5x each leg - opposite OH high-box step-ups
e. 10x DB thrusters
f. 7x Coach's shoulder exercise
3 continuous rounds, no rest until complete
4. Abs
A note on abs - when we do abs, we do a lot of them... at least we have been. Its important to have a strong core for so many track events... this isn't the 2 sets of dion abs we did after a pre-season practice - that might be one of 5 different exercises. Also, alternate between doing a lot of reps with just your bodyweight (for example - 100 crunches) and doing lower reps with weights (for example - 3 sets of 10 crunches with feet weighted down and holding a heavy dumbell)
We did arms today.
a. 10x Preacher curls w/ thick EZ bar
b. 10x DB skull crushers
3 sets
a. 10-15-20x Chain curls
b. 10-15-20x Resistance band tricep extensions
a. 4x4-grip barbell curls
b. 10x DB kickbacks
Hammer DB curl burnout
Close-grip barbell bench burnout
Monday, June 4, 2007
Superset 1
Chain Bench - 8
Chain Bent Over Bar Row - 8
3 Rounds, rest as needed
Circuit - no rest, use whatever weight is necessary
10x Chain Push-up
10x pull-up
10x resistance band flys
10x resistance band lat pulldowns
10x incline dumbell bench
10x deadlift
3 rounds, no rest until done w/ all 3 rounds
Abs etc...
Oblique med ball tosses - 5 rounds
3 x 15 dumbell straight-arm crunches
100 regular crunches
2 sets of 5, 7 second holds (aka "Dion abs")
1 minute fast, powerful med ball slam
10 each side, slow full body oblique crunches
Hold plank for 1 minute
3 sets of 15 Roman Chairs w/ EZ bar
Friday, June 1, 2007
Burpee into pull-up combo +
standing push press @ 65 lbs
15 of both then 10 of both, timed
(A Burpee is like a toyato with a pushup at the bottom; when you jump up, grab the pullup bar and go straight into a pullup)
Javi and I got around the same time, 3:11-3:12, while Jack finished it in a BEASTLY 2:50.
10x Chain or Ring push-ups
25x box jumps on low box
3 rounds back-to-back
The pushups are when you hold rings (or in our case chains with handles on the ends) instead of going straight on the ground.... since the roopes/chains swing, it requires a lot of control and works all the stabilizer muscles.
3. ABS
Captain Abs
(hit me up if you are intrigued and would like to try these out... otherwise just do whatever for abs)
- Matt
Jack, DaviAnn, Matt, Christian
10 x DB Curls w/ added band resistance
10 x Skull Crushers
2 min rest
4 sets
10 x Standing lateral band curls
10 x Standing lateral band tri extensions
2 min rest
3 sets
10 x Zottman Curls
10 x Rope Push
2 min rest
3 sets
Burn out
Max Reps x Dips
3 Rounds
*DB Curls w/ added band resistance = We used 20-25lb DBs. Wrap a resistance band under your foot and hold the other end for added resistance.
*Standing lateral band curls = Anchor 2 resistance bands, shoulder height about 12-13ft apart. Grab one in each hand. Stand with your shoulder-elbow parallel with the ground and curl your biceps. Do it slowly and letting your arm extend all the way out on each rep. Even if there is no resistance.
*Standing lateral band tri extensions = This is a similar idea to the curls, but its one arm at a time. Stand facing away from the anchored band. Grab it with one hand. Put your elbow strait out in front of you and parallel with the ground. Press the band strait out. Uses your other arm as bracing to keep your working arm steady.